Super Mario

Super Mario

The tattoo represents achievement, it’s deliberately on his writing hand, as at the time he was thinking he’d like to do something written. Its a star, his mums favourite shape, that’s why he got it or did he just say that to make his mum happy?!

It was £30 and his best friend at the time gave him £10, a third, he say, “she paid for the eyes”.

When Anthony looks at the tattoo it is a constant visual reminder, not only of the meaning but of the friendship with her (Abbey), which has drifted with time, as some friendships do.

We go on to chat about changing friendships and relationships, how they exist at certain points in time, sometimes disappear and reappear. Accepting them for what they are, not being angry if they change. It might come back but not waiting about for it either. Practicality and priorities change.

Anthony says of the friendship, “It was the ideal friendship, no matter what friendships you have in your life now, you never know how long they will last for, it all depends on where you are in your life. It’s ok, friendships and relationships change.”

Life, you sometimes have a picture of how it’ll be but sometimes you have to abandon or mourn it, accept what it is and be realistic with what you have. Let’s go for another Super Mario Star, if one thing doesn’t work out then go another way.

It sums up Anthonys approach to life or how he would like it to be, although, doesn’t always feel like doing something but it’s a reminder too. When you are younger you can be idealistic and naive, as we get older we become more cynical, judgemental and cautious. It’s nice to have a marker/tattoo, as a reminder of something really positive.

We all need a visual reminder of something that keeps things light, positive and optimistic don’t we?

A Super Mario Star to remind us of things come and go, to enjoy the ride and be open to adventure.

We then got into chatting about accents, judgemental thinking, not letting other people’s opinions stop you from doing things, people’s narratives and how we often hold ourselves back more than anyone. Would you agree?

Have you lost a friendship recently or reignited one from the past? Do you have your own Super Mario Star to remind you of something significant?


Thank you to Anthony for sharing his tattoo story.

The Super Mario star comes from the franchise of games which Anthony played on Nintendo 64 all the time when he was little, happy memories and when life was simpler.

Anthony says, “I used to be obsessed with them, you couldn’t get me off the game console, I used to play them all the time, every night, every weekend, I didn’t want to go to bed”.

The games are all about achievement with different levels and at the end of each level there is a star you have to get, the Super Mario Star. Each reward has its own adventure and story line, you achieved it and moved onto the next one.

The tattoo fits Anthony’s ideal of the kind of life he wants to have, doing something, doing it well and moving on, appreciating things comes to an end and start again from scratch and figuring things out. It signifies chasing something, getting it and once you’re happy with it, swop for the next thing



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