The tattoo is a reminder she is in control of her situation and life, it's a firm reminder to not allow those things to happen anymore.

NO GODS, NO MASTERS, was fully activated in October 2021 when it was inked, after an ongoing journey of individuality, self explorations and learning more about herself.

She says, her father was raised in a church and that’s all he knows, it’s much easier for him to lean on this and utilise God as a scapegoat, so when things don’t go right, it’s o.k as, God’s got it, it is God’s plan.

It is used as a crutch instead of personal accountability for whatever the situations are. The concept of faith and having it allows him to be dismissive of things which need to be addressed but because he has faith, it’s all going to work out.

It is a lack of taking responsibility and leaving it in the hands of something which is not real or the fact it is real but it is just who we are, we are the God's, the dictators and there is no outcome unless we do the work.

Are you the master or allowing yourself to be dictated to? Are you doing the work? Are you creating your own reality?


Thank you to Dionne for sharing her tattoo story.

Shortly after visiting her father who had a throat tumor removed and wouldn’t follow up about his health, this tattoo was inked.

Anytime Dionne asked about his health, the response was, he wasn’t worried, as 'God got it', it’s in God’s hands’, which triggered childhood memories where he was dismissive and as a form of punishment she was made to read the bible for being disobedient.

Due to her upbringing she wouldn’t speak up for herself, so a lot of people would be a master of her, allowing people to dictate to her what to do, wear, how to talk, operate in her body and behave when she was in the room.

As she has grown and established her own belief system, she believes she is the creator of her own reality and isn’t going to allow for anyone or anything, no spiritual deity or figment of anyone's imagination to dictate what her lifestyle is going to be like or how she is going to operate in the world.



