LOVE you

LOVE you

Tattoo - LOVE you

Thank you to Nicole for sharing her tattoo story.

The tattoo’s meaning in Nicoles words.

My dad used to text my sister and I every morning “Love you” before he passed away in 2015, after he passed my mom kept up the tradition of texting every morning and still texts, "Love you".

I wanted to always have a reminder of them and their love, so I got “LOVE” in my Dad’s handwriting and “you” in my Mom’s handwriting.

I’ve had it for over a year now and I genuinely am so happy I did it. 💜

Such a gorgeous tattoo full of LOVE which existed and
continues to exist. When someone isn't present anymore, their love still exists on in the memories we carry, words we speak, actions we take which transcends physicality.

Remember to LOVE somebody today, speak the words, write them, get the tattoo, make the call.

Tell someone, "LOVE you” today.


The word BURN


Pedih, tierra y liberta